Забавные и поучительные картинки из истории корсета (и не только женского). Подробнее см. https://www.pinterest.ru/doclibido/corset-always/

Металлический корсет панцирь-клетка. Испания, XV век
Металлический корсет панцирь-клетка. Испания, XV век
Slightly tighter. A cartoon of Thomas Rowlandson. 1790
Slightly tighter. A cartoon of Thomas Rowlandson. 1790

Lady dressing, Gillary caricature
Lady dressing, Gillary caricature
Regency era man in stays Memoria de Madrid
Regency era man in stays Memoria de Madrid
Man Looking At Corsets, Honore Daumier 1840s
Man Looking At Corsets, Honore Daumier 1840s
Regency A La Mode By William Heath
Regency A La Mode By William Heath
Tight lacing. XVIII с.
Tight lacing. XVIII с.
c. 1812-1813
c. 1812-1813
Le tailleur de corps anglois montrant la manière de faire une belle taille', 1770-1779. Anonymous French satire showing a tailor pulling tight the corset of an Englishwoman
Le tailleur de corps anglois montrant la manière de faire une belle taille', 1770-1779. Anonymous French satire showing a tailor pulling tight the corset of an Englishwoman
Caricature of the Prince Regent as an aging dandy or "fat Adonis of fifty" by W. Heath, redrawn for Social England under the Regency by John Ashton, 1899
Caricature of the Prince Regent as an aging dandy or "fat Adonis of fifty" by W. Heath, redrawn for Social England under the Regency by John Ashton, 1899
1819, caricature "Lacing a dandy"
1819, caricature "Lacing a dandy"
Tight Lacing, or Fashion Before Ease, an early-1770s satirical drawing by John Collet
Tight Lacing, or Fashion Before Ease, an early-1770s satirical drawing by John Collet

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